Benefits of Body Massage 

A regular massage KL might seem like a luxury and an indulgence, but it is actually good for you. Not only does it reduce stress and improve your mood but body massage can also help prevent diseases and health problems. A recent study has found that massage can significantly reduce the levels of cortisol – which is the hormone that causes stress. It also increases neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin. This makes it an excellent tool to fight against a wide range of conditions including eczema, high blood pressure, heart disease, depression and anxiety. 

It can reduce muscle soreness, tension and stiffness. It also promotes healthy and better circulation, and boosts immunity. Additionally, it relieves the pain caused by certain medical conditions such as osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. It can also help relieve aches and pains due to sports injuries or other physical trauma. It can even relieve the symptoms of digestive problems such as bloating, constipation and nausea. 

The friction and pressure applied during a body massage stimulate the circulatory system, which in turn helps the body to eliminate waste materials. This is especially important for the lymphatic system, as it doesn’t have a pump and relies on body movement to move fluid through the system. One study found that patients who received a massage had improved lymph flow, reducing toxins and other wastes. 

A massage can also increase energy levels and can make you feel energised. It may be because of the increased circulation or because of the release of feel-good chemicals in the brain. However, it is essential that you drink plenty of water after a massage to avoid feeling dizzy or lightheaded. 

Another benefit of body premium massage Spa is that it can help improve the flexibility of the joints. This is because the tense muscles can be relaxed, allowing the joints to stretch. It can even relieve the pain and tightness that comes with some conditions such as arthritis. 

A good massage can ease sore tense muscles, increase mobility and flexibility, improve circulation, increase the number of regenerating muscle fibers and even help heal tendons and ligaments. It can also improve overall health by lowering stress and improving sleep. 

Almost anyone can benefit from a regular massage, but there are some conditions that should not be treated with massage such as diabetes and hypertension. It’s always advisable to consult a doctor before starting any treatment.

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